RTP Crystal
• High homogeneity
• Excellent internal quality
• High electrical resistivity
• Top quality of surface polishing
• Precise pair-matching
• Competitive price
• Mass production, quick delivery
RTP (RbTiOPO4) is an isomorph of KTP crystal. RTP has many advantages e.g. large nonlinear optical coefficient, large E-O coefficient, high damage threshold (about 1.8 times of KTP), high resistivity, high repetition rate, no hygroscopy and no induced piezo-electric effect with electrical signals up to 60 kHz. The transmission range of RTP is 350 nm to 4500 nm.
RTP crystal is widely used in laser Q-switching system with high frequency repetition, high power and narrow pulse width. RTP E-O devices are not only used in laser micromachining and laser ranging, but also in major scientific exploration projects due to their excellent comprehensive performance.
WISOPTIC Standard Specifications - RTP
Dimension Tolerance | ± 0.1 mm |
Angle Tolerance | < ± 0.25° |
Flatness | < λ/8 @ 632.8 nm |
Surface Quality | < 10/5 [S/D] |
Parallelism | < 20” |
Perpendicularity | ≤ 5' |
Chamfer | ≤ 0.2 mm @ 45° |
Transmitted Wavefront Distortion | < λ/8 @ 632.8 nm |
Clear Aperture | > 90% central area |
Coating | AR coating: R<0.1% @ 1064nm |
Laser Damage Threshold | 600 MW/cm2 for 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated) |
Main Features - RTP
• Wide transparency range (350nm-4500nm)
• Reliable homogeneity
• Non-hygroscopic
• High laser-induced damage threshold
• Low absorption losses
• Stability over a wide temperature range (-50℃~+70℃)
Primary Applications - RTP
• Second harmonic generation (SHG)
• E-O modulators, optical switches, directional couplers
• Optical parametric sources (OPG, OPA, OPO) for 0.4-4.5µm tunable output
asic Properties - RTP
Crystal Structure | Orthorhombic |
Lattice Parameter | a = 12.96 Å, b = 10.56 Å, c = 6.49 Å |
Melting Point | about 1000 ℃ |
Mohs Hardness | about 5 Mohs |
Density | 3.6 g/cm3 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficients | αx = 1.01 × 10-5 /K, αy = 1.37 × 10-5 /K, αz = - 4.17 × 10-6 /K |
Sellmeier Equations (λ in μm) | nx2 = 2.15559 + 0.93307 [1 - (0.20994 / λ)2] - 0.01452 λ2 ny2 = 2.38494 + 0.73603 [1 - (0.23891 / λ)2] - 0.01583 λ2 nz2 = 2.27723 + 1.11030 [1 - (0.23454 / λ)2] - 0.01995 λ2 |
Therm-optical Coefficient | dλ/dT = - 0.029 nm /℃ |
Electro-optic Constants (Y-cut) (X-cut) | r33 = 38.5 pm/V r33 = 35 pm/V, r23 = 12.5 pm/V, r13 = 10.6 pm/V |
Electrical Resistivity | about 1011-1012 Ohm·cm |
Static Half Wave Voltage at 1064 nm | 4 × 4 × 20 mm: 1,600 V 6 × 6 × 20 mm: 2,400 V 9 × 9 × 20 mm: 3,600 V |
Extinction Ratio | > 20 dB @633 nm |
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