Quality Reliable KTP Grown In-house

High homogeneity
Excellent internal quality
Top quality of surface polishing

Large block for various size (20x20x40mm, max length 60mm)
Large nonlinear coefficient, high conversion efficiency
Low insertion losses
Very competitive price
Mass production, quick delivery

SHG KTP crystal

Low bulk absorption: 100ppm/cm at 1064nm

High damage threshold of AR-coatings: >10J/cm² at 1064nm for 10ns pulses

Available in GTR (grey-track resistance) KTP

OPO KTP crystal

Guaranteed non-linear optical homogeneity

High damage threshold of AR-coatings: >10J/cm² at 1064nm for 10ns pulses

OPO mirror coatings on KTP parts (monolithic OPO) are available

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Product Details

KTP Crystal Features

Large Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Coefficients

Wide Phase-matching Acceptance Angle

Broad Temperature and Spectral Bandwidth
High Electro-Optic (E-O) Coefficients
Nonhygroscopic, Good Chemical and Mechanical Properties
Relatively High Damage Threshold for E-O modulator

KTP Crystal Applications

1. SHG of Nd:Laser - KTP is the most commonly used material for frequency doubling of Nd:YAG and other Nd-doped lasers, particularly when the power density is at a low or medium level. To date, extra- and intra-cavity frequency doubled Nd:lasers using KTP have become a preferred pumping source for visible dye lasers and tunable Ti:Sapphire lasers as well as their amplifiers. 1mW to 3W TEMoo green laser can be generated by intracavity SHG in Nd:YVO4 and Nd:YAG laser.
KTP is also being used for intracavity mixing of 0.81µm diode and 1.064µm Nd:YAG laser to generate blue light and intracavity SHG of Nd:YAG or Nd:YAP lasers at 1.3µm to produce red light.

2. OPO/OPA - KTP is suitable for Nd:YAG and SHG or Ti:Sapphire laser pumped OPO/OPA. Pumped by the fundamental and second harmonic of a Nd:YAG or Nd:YLF laser, KTP's OPO/OPA can generate tunable output in 600-4500nm.

3. E-O Modulator - KTP is used as E-O modulator in mode-locking diode laser pumped Nd:YAG and Nd:YLF laser as well as Ti:Sapphire and Cr:LiSrAlF6 laser. Due to its higher damage threshold, wide optical bandwidth, low loss, good thermal and mechanical stability, KTP is expected to replace LiNbO3 crystal in application of E-O modulators.

4. Application for Optical Waveguides - Based on the ion-exchange process on KTP substrate, KTP optical waveguides  have created novel applications in integrated optics. Recently, a type II SHG conversion efficiency of 20%/W/cm2 was achieved by the balanced phase matching, in which the phase mismatch from one section was balanced against a phase mismatch in the opposite sign from the second. Furthermore, segmented KTP waveguides have been applied to the type I quasi-phase-matchable SHG of a tunable Ti:Sapphire laser in the range of 760-960nm, and directly doubled diode lasers for the 400-430nm outputs.

Dimension Tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Angle Tolerance

< ± 0.25°


< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Surface Quality

< 10/5 [S/D]


< 20”


≤ 5'


≤ 0.2 mm @ 45°

Transmitted Wavefront Distortion

< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Clear Aperture

> 90% central area


AR coating: R<0.2% @ 1064nm, R<0.5% @ 532nm
[or HR coating, PR coating, upon request ]

Laser Damage Threshold

500 MW/cm2 for 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated)

* Products with special requirement upon request.

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