KTP Crystal

High homogeneity
Excellent internal quality
Top quality of surface polishing

Large block for various size (20x20x40mm, max length 60mm)
Large nonlinear coefficient, high conversion efficiency
Low insertion losses
Very competitive price
Mass production, quick delivery

SHG KTP crystal

Low bulk absorption: 100ppm/cm at 1064nm

High damage threshold of AR-coatings: >10J/cm² at 1064nm for 10ns pulses

Available in GTR (grey-track resistance) KTP

OPO KTP crystal

Guaranteed non-linear optical homogeneity

High damage threshold of AR-coatings: >10J/cm² at 1064nm for 10ns pulses

OPO mirror coatings on KTP parts (monolithic OPO) are available

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Product Details

KTP (KTiOPO4 ) is one of the most commonly used nonlinear optical materials which offers a range of unique features: high optical quality, broad transparency range, wide acceptance angle, small walk-off angle, and type I and II non-critical phase-matching (NCPM) in a wide wavelength range. KTP also has relatively high effective SHG coefficient (about 3 times higher than that of KDP) and fairly high optical damage threshold (>500 MW/cm²).

KTP crystal is regularly used for frequency doubling of Nd:YAG lasers and other Nd-doped lasers, particularly at low or medium-power density. For example, KTP is used as a 1064nm/532nm harmonic generator (SHG). KTP is also a very good material as OPO gain medium for eye-safe emission.

Dimension Tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Angle Tolerance

< ± 0.25°


< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Surface Quality

< 10/5 [S/D]


< 20”


≤ 5'


≤ 0.2 mm @ 45°

Transmitted Wavefront Distortion

< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Clear Aperture

> 90% central area


AR coating: R<0.2% @ 1064nm, R<0.5% @ 532nm
[or HR coating, PR coating, upon request ]

Laser Damage Threshold

500 MW/cm2 for 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated)

* Products with special requirement upon request.

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