Nd:YVO4 Crystal

WISOPTIC Capabilities - Nd:YVO4
Various options of Nd-doping ratio (0.1%~3.0at%)
Various sizes (max diameter: 16×16 mm; max length: 20 mm)
Various coatings (AR, HR, HT)
High processing accuracy
Very competitive price, quick delivery

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Product Details

Nd:YVO4 (Neodymium-doped Yttrium Vanadate) is the most efficient laser crystal for diode-pumped solid-state lasers. Its good physical, optical and mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 an excellent crystal for high power, stable and cost-effective diode-pumped solid-state lasers, especially for lasers with low or middle power density.

Nd:YVO4  is a good choice for highly polarized output at 1342 nm, as the emission line is much stronger than those of its alternatives. Nd:YVO4  is capable of working with some nonlinear crystals with high NLO coefficient (LBO, BBO, KTP) to generate lights from near infrared to green, blue, or even UV.

Nd:YVO4  is a better choice than Nd:YAG for generating low-power beams in hand-held pointers or other compact lasers. In these applications, Nd:YOV4 has some advantages over Nd:YAG, e.g. high absorption of pumped laser irradiation and large stimulated emission cross section.

Compared  with Nd:YAG for diode laser pumping, Nd:YVO4 lasers possess:

  • Lower lasing threshold and higher slope efficiency

  • Large stimulated emission cross-section at lasing wavelength

  • High absorption over a wide pumping wavelength bandwidth

  • Low dependency on pumping wavelength and tend to single mode output

  • Optically uniaxial and large birefringence emit strongly-polarized laser

Wisoptic provide high quality and large size Nd:YVO4 and pure YVO4 crystal as large as 35x35x50mm3 bulk crystal and18 x18x20mm3 finished crystal by very competitive price.

Nd:YVO4 Crystal.jpg

WISOPTIC Standard Specifications* - Nd:YVO4

Doping Ratio


Orientation Tolerance

+/- 0.5°


1×1 mm2~16×16 mm2


0.02 mm~20 mm

Dimension Tolerance

(W±0.1mm)×(H±0.1mm)×(L+0.5/-0.1mm) (L≥2.5mm)
(W±0.1mm)×(H±0.1mm)×(L+0.2/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm)


< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm (L≥2.5mm)
< λ/4 @ 632.8 nm (L<2.5mm)

Surface Quality

< 20/10 [S/D]


< 20”


≤ 5'


≤ 0.2 mm @ 45°

Transmitted Wavefront Distortion

< λ/4 @ 632.8 nm

Clear Aperture

> 90% central area


AR @ 1064nm, R< 0.1% & HT @ 808nm, T>95%;
HR @ 1064nm, R>99.8% & HT@ 808nm, T>95%;
HR @ 1064nm, R>99.8%, HR @ 532 nm, R>99% & HT @ 808 nm, T>95%

Laser Damage Threshold

> 700 MW/cm2 for 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated)

* Products with special requirement upon request.

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Nd:YVO4 Crystal.jpg

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