WISOPTIC Set Up New Production Line of Vacuum Coating

2022/07/13 09:16

WISOPTIC is using its newly-set coating machine to do in-house vacuum coatings on crystals and optical components.

With our own coating machine and technique, we can provide customers products with excellent quality, e.g. higher surface quality, higher transmittance, and higher LIDT etc.

Sorts of dielectric coatings (e.g. AR, HR, PR) are available for crystals (KDP/DKDP, KTP, RTP, BBO, LBO, LN, Nd:YAG, etc) and optical components (laser windows, mirrors, PBS, etc).  

Besides coatings mentioned above, other sorts of coatings are also available: short wave pass, filter, and dust-cover.

WISOPTIC is also capable of doing AR coating via chemical approach. The performance of Sol-Gel coatings could be better than that of the dielectric coatings, especially when the LIDT is taken into account.

With its technique of vacuum coating and Sol-Gel coating, WISOPTIC is keeping enhancing its leading position in the manufacture of Pockels cells (E-O Q-Switch) in China.

WISOPTIC Set Up New Production Line of Vacuum Coating

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