Polarization Beam Splitter

  • Available in Sizes Ranging From 5 mm to 2" (50.8 mm)

  • Five Wavelength Ranges Available

  • High quality (precision) coating with high LIDT

  • High laser resistivity>15J/cm2 @1064nm,10ns (300 times higher than the glued type)

  • Bandwidth: 60nm @center wavelength of 248nm (Ratio to plate type: 25 times higher)

  • Two-wavelength type polarizers are also available (1064/532nm, 1064/355nm, 532/266nm, …)

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Product Details

Polarizing Beamsplitters (PBS) splits incident unpolarized light into two perpendicular linearly polarized light. Among them, p-polarized light passes through completely, while s-polarized light is reflected at 45 deg which makes the emitting direction of s-light vertical to p-light. Additionally, beamsplitters can be used in reverse to combine two different beams into a single one. Beamsplitters are often classified according to their construction:cube or plate.

Cube PBS are fabricated using two typically right angle prisms. The hypotenuse surface of one prism is coated, and the two prisms are cemented together so that they form a cubic shape. To avoid damaging the cement, it is recommended that the light be transmitted into the coated prism, which often features a reference mark on the ground surface.

Plate PBS consist of a thin, flat glass plate that has been coated on the first surface of the substrate. Most plate beamsplitters feature an anti-reflection coating on the second surface to remove unwanted Fresnel reflections. Plate beamsplitters are often designed for a 45° AOI.

WISOPTIC offers both cube PBS and plate PBS for a variety of wavelength ranges and power handling requirements. In addition, birefringent crystals, Brewster windows, and waveplates are also available for high laser damage threshold requirements.


N-BK7(H-K9L), H-ZF3, fused quartz

Diameters / Tolerance

0.5×0.5×0.5mm~50×50×50mm / ±0.2 mm

Extinction Ratio

Single band: >1000:1
Broad band: >300:1

Clear Aperture

> 90% of central area

Surface Quality

< 40/20 [S/D]


< λ/10 @ 632.8 nm 


≤ 10”

Transmitted Light Deviation

<±3 arcmin

Reflected Light Deviation

90°±3 arcmin

Transmission Ratio


Reflection Ratio



Protective chamfer @ 45°

  Coating Wavelength (nm)

  Single band: 488, 532, 632.8, 650, 808, 850, 980, 1064, 1310, 1550
Broad band: 450-650, 650-900, 900-1200, 1200-1550, 1500-1610

  Laser Damage Threshold

15 J/cm² @ 1064 nm, 20 ns, 20 Hz

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