Optical Mirrors

Featured Products
Narrow band laser line mirrors
Board band dielectric/metallic mirrors
Ultrafast laser mirrors
High reflectivity mirrors
High laser damage threshold mirrors

Standard and customized laser mirrors for many laser wavelengths: 1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 308 nm, 248 nm, 193 nm and broadband.

 Laser mirrors for use from the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to the far IR

Laser Mirrors designed for dye, diode, Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Yb:YAG, Ti:sapphire, fiber, and many more laser sources

Laser mirror with shapes of: flat, right angle, concave, and other special shapes

Ultrafast laser line mirrors designed to provide high reflection with minimal Group Delay Dispersion (GDD) for femtosecond pulsed lasers including Er:Glass, Ti:Sapphire, and Yb:doped laser sources.

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Product Details

Front surface mirrors are coated with aluminum or dielectrics for maximum reflection. WISOPTIC provides both kinds of front surface mirrors: metal coated mirror and dielectric coated mirror.

Dielectric mirror is an optical mirror made of thin layers of dielectric coating layers deposited on an optical substrate (UVFS or BK7).  Dielectric laser mirrors are used for laser lines, for narrowband or broadband wavelength ranges covering spectrum from UV to IR. Metallic mirrors are coated with protected gold, silver, or aluminum. Metallic mirrors are widely used due to a moderate level of reflection over a very broad spectral range. Protected gold coatings have the highest reflectance in IR, protected silver is the most efficient in VIS, while protected aluminum is an economical reflector over entire 300nm-IR range.

Optical mirrors can also be grouped by shapes: spherical, rectangular, elliptical or tailored shapes.

WISOPTIC offers a large comprehensive selection of optical mirrors for use with light in DUV to IR spectral region, ranging from laser line mirrors, board-band dielectric/metallic mirrors to ultrafast laser mirrors. WISOPTIC make coatings design for mirrors under custom requests to provide ideal solutions for specialized applications especially at high laser power.

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WISOPTIC Specifications - Optical Mirrors



Diameter Tolerance

+0.0/-0.15 mm

Thickness Tolerance

± 0.2 mm

Clear Aperture

> 80% of central area

S1 Surface Quality

< 20/10 [S/D]

S1 surface Flatness

< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

S2 Surface Process

Fine ground

Parallelism S1/S2

≤ 30”


0.25-0.75mm face width x 45°±10°


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