LN Crystal

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Product Details

LN Crystal is a multifunctional material that integrates properties of piezoelectric, ferroelectric, pyroelectric, nonlinear, electro-optical, photoelastic, etc. LiNbO3 has good thermal stability and chemical stability.

As one of the most thoroughly characterized nonlinear optical materials, LiNbO3 is suitable for a variety of frequency conversion applications. For example, it is widely used as frequency doublers for wavelength >1 μm and optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) pumped at 1064 nm as well as quasi-phase-matched (QPM) devices. Due to its large E-O and A-O coefficients, LiNbO3 crystal is also commonly used for phase modulators, waveguide substrate, surface acoustic wave wafers, and Q-switching of Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF and Ti-Sapphire lasers.

LiNbO3 can be doped with a variety of elements, such as Er, Pr, Mg, Fe, etc., which give the material unique properties. For example, the damage threshold of MgO: LiNbO3 is more than double that of pure LiNbO3.

LiNbO3 Crystal

WISOPTIC Standard Specifications* -LN Crystal

Dimension Tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Angle Tolerance

± 0.5°


< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Surface Quality

< 20/10 [S/D]


< 20”


≤ 5'


≤ 0.2mm @ 45°

Transmitted Wavefront Distortion

< λ/4 @ 632.8 nm

Clear Aperture

> 90% central area


AR coating: R < 0.2% @ 1064 nm, R < 0.5% @ 532 nm

* Products with special requirement upon request.

Advantages of MgO:LiNbO3 compared with LN Crystal

Higher frequency doubling (SHG) efficiency for pulsed Nd:YAG (65%) and CW Nd:YAG (45%)
Higher performance in applications of OPO, OPA, QPM doublers and integrated waveguide
Much higher photorefractive damage threshold

LiNbO3 Crystal

Primary Applications - LN Crystal

Frequency doublers for wavelength >1 μm
Optical parametric oscillators (OPO) pumped at 1064 nm
Quasi-phase-matched (QPM) devices
Q-switches (for Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF and Ti-Sapphire lasers )
Phase modulators, waveguide substrate, surface acoustic wave wafers

Physical Properties - LN Crystal

Chemical formula

LN Crystal

Crystal structure


Point group


Space group


Lattice constants

a=5.148 Å, c=13.863 Å, Z = 6


4.628 g/cm3

Melting point

1255 °C

Curie temperature

1140 °C

Mohs hardness


Thermal conductivity

38 W/(m·K) @ 25°C

Thermal expansion coefficients

2.0×10-6/K (//a), 2.2×10-6/K (//c)




Optical Properties - LN Crystal

Transparency region
  (at “0” transmittance level)

400-5500 nm

Refractive indices

1300 nm 

1064 nm 

632.8 nm







Thermal optic coefficients

dno/dT=-0.874×10-6/K @ 1.4 μm
dne/dT=39.073×10-6/K @ 1.4 μm

Linear absorption coefficients

326 nm 

1064 nm 

α = 2.0 /cm

α = 0.001~0.004 /cm

NLO coefficients

d33 = 34.4 pm/V, d22 = 3.07 pm/V,
d31 = d15 = 5.95 pm/V

Electro-optic coefficients

γT33=32 pm/V, γS33=31 pm/V, γT31=10 pm/V,
γS31=8.6 pm/V, γT22=6.8 pm/V, γS22= 3.4 pm/V

Half-wave voltage (DC)

Electrical field // z, light ⊥ z

3.03 kV

Electrical field // x or y, light // z

4.02 kV

Damage threshold

100 MW/cm2 @ 1064nm, 10 ns


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