Cr YAG Crystal

High homogeneity
Excellent internal quality
High precision of initial transmission
Top quality of surface polishing
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Product Details

Cr: YAG is an excellent crystal for passive Q-switching diode pumped or lamp-pumped Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 and other Nd or Yb doped lasers at wavelength from 800 nm to 1200 nm. With advantages of chemical stability, durable, UV resistant, good thermal conductivity and high damage threshold (>500 MW/cm2 ) and being easy to be operated, Cr:YAG is used widely to substitute for many traditional materials such as LiF, organic Dye and color centers.

Cr YAG Crystal

By using Cr:YAG, the pulse width of passively Q-switched lasers could be as short as 5 ns for diode pumped Nd:YAG lasers, and the repetition could be as high as 10 kHz for diode pumped Nd:YVO4 lasers. Furthermore, an efficient output at 532 nm, 355 nm or 266 nm can be generated by a subsequent intracavity SHG in KTP or LBO, or THG/FOHG in LBO or BBO for diode pumped and passively Q-switched Nd:YAG or Nd:YVO4 laser. Cr:YAG is also a laser crystal with tunable output from 1.35 µm to 1.55 µm, and can be used to make ultrashort pulse (ps or fs) laser when pumped by Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm.

WISOPTIC Standard Specifications - Cr:YAG


[100] or [111] (deviation < 5°)

Dopant concentration

0.5~3 mol %


Diameter: 2~14 mm; Thickness: 0.1~12 mm

Dimension tolerance

Diameter: +0.00/-0.05 mm; Thickness: +/- 0.5 mm

Initial absorption coefficient

0.5~6 cm-1 @ 1064 nm

Initial transmission

5%~95% @ 1064 nm


< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Surface Quality

< 20/10 [S/D]


< 20”


≤ 5'

Transmitted Wavefront Distortion

< λ/8 @ 632.8 nm

Clear Aperture

> 90% central area


AR coating: R<0.2% @ 1064nm

Laser Damage Threshold

500 MW/cm2 for 1064nm, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated)

    Main Features - Cr:YAG

High efficiency of Q-switching output
Suitable for operation at repetitive frequency
High optical quality
Good anti-UV radiation ability
Good thermal stability

Cr YAG Crystal

Primary Applications - Cr:YAG

Passive Q-switching for Nd and Er lasers
Tunable output from 1.35 µm to 1.55 µm
Ultrashort pulse (ps or fs) laser generation

Cr YAG Crystal

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