Compared to more commonly used KTP crystal, KTA
crystal has larger non-linear optical and electro-optical
coefficients. KTA has the added benefit of
significantly reduced absorption in the 2 to 5 μm region. It has found
more and more applications in second harmonic generation (SHG), sum and
difference frequency generation (SFG)/(DFG), optical parametric
oscillation/ amplification (OPO/OPA), and electro-optical Q-switching. WISOPTIC do in-house growing and processing KTA crystal with high optical quality and various options of dimensional and coating specifications.
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KTA (Potassium Titanyle Arsenate, KTiOAsO4 ) is a nonlinear optical crystal similar to KTP in which atom P is replaced by As. It has good non-linear optical and electro-optical properties, e.g.
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KTA (Potassium Titanyle Arsenate, KTiOAsO4 ) is a nonlinear optical crystal similar to KTP in which atom P is replaced by As. It has good non-linear optical and electro-optical properties, e.g.
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There are four main types of prisms based on the function: dispersion
prism, deflection or reflection prism, rotating prism and offset prism.
Deflection, offset and rotating prisms are commonly used in imaging
applications; diffusion prisms are designed for dispersive light sources
and are not suitable for any application that requires high quality
images.WISOPTIC offers a wide range of optical prisms with various designs, substrates, or coatings.
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Optical filter is usually a component with a wavelength-dependent transmittance or reflectance. It's used to selectively transmit or reject a wavelength or range of wavelengths. Filters with particularly weak wavelength dependence of the transmittance are called neutral density filters. The general applications of optical filters include fluorescence microscopy, spectroscopy, clinical chemistry, machine vision inspection, etc. Bandpass interference filters are designed to transmit a portion of the spectrum, while rejecting all other wavelengths.
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LBO (LiB3O5) is an excellent non-linear crystal of Borate-family following BBO. LBO has advantages of good ultraviolet transmittance (210-2300 nm), high laser damage threshold and large effective frequency doubling coefficient (about 3 times of KDP crystal). Therefore LBO is commonly used to produce high power second and third harmonic laser light, especially for ultraviolet lasers.LBO has large band gap and transparency region, high non-linear coupling, good chemical and mechanical properties.
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Optical Prisms are widely used to redirect light at a designated angle. They are ideal for ray deviation, or for adjusting the orientation of an image. An optical prism’s design determines how light interacts with it. When light enters an optical prism, it either reflects off an individual surface or several surfaces before exiting, or is refracted as it travels through the substrate. WISOPTIC offers a wide range of optical prisms with various designs, substrates, or coatings.
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Polarization is an important characteristic of light. Polarizers are key optical elements for controlling your polarization,
transmitting a desired polarization state while reflecting, absorbing or
deviating the rest. There is a wide variety of polarizer designs, each
with its own advantages and disadvantages.
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Optical filters are used to selectively transmit or reject a wavelength or range of wavelengths. Their applications include fluorescence microscopy, spectroscopy, clinical chemistry, machine vision inspection, etc. Optical filters are widely used in light system of life science, imaging, industrial, or defense industries. For example, Bandpass interference filters are designed to transmit a portion of the spectrum, while rejecting all other wavelengths. Notch filters reject a portion of the spectrum, while transmitting all other wavelengths.
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Wisoptic' standard and precision quality laser windows are fabricated from a variety of substrate
materials, e.g. UVFS
and N-BK7. They are available either with or without AR coatings, and with dia from 12.5 to 101.6 mm and thickness from 1 to 15 mm.
Also we offer uncoated rectangular windows with aperture from 15 x 20 to
50.8 x 50.8 mm and thickness from 2 to 10 mm.
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Optical Lenses are designed to
focus or diverge light and for imaging or alignment in an optical
system. Optical Lenses, which may consist of a single or multiple
elements, have a variety of applications. Lens forms can be divided into
simple lenses (which include plano-convex lens, plano-concave lens,
double-convex lens, double-concave lens, cylinder lens, drum
lens, spherical lens in different shapes), achromatic lenses compound
lens and multiple types.
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When classified by coatings, Optical Mirrors consist of dielectric mirrors and metallic mirrors. Dielectric mirror is an optical mirror made of thin layers of dielectric coating layers deposited on an optical substrate (UVFS or BK7). WISOPTIC offer dielectric laser mirrors for laser lines, for narrowband or broadband wavelength ranges covering spectrum from UV to IR. Metallic mirrors are coated with protected gold, silver, or aluminum. Metallic mirrors are widely used due to a moderate level of reflection over a very broad spectral range.
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KTP (KTiOPO4 ) is one of the most commonly used nonlinear optical materials which offers a range of unique features: high optical quality, broad transparency range, wide acceptance
angle, small walk-off angle, and type I and II non-critical
phase-matching (NCPM) in a wide wavelength range.
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Front surface mirrors are coated with aluminum or dielectrics for
maximum reflection. WISOPTIC provides both kinds of front surface
mirrors: metal coated mirror and dielectric coated mirror.Dielectric mirror is an optical mirror made of thin layers of dielectric coating layers deposited on an optical substrate (UVFS or BK7). Dielectric laser mirrors are used for laser lines, for narrowband or broadband wavelength ranges covering spectrum from UV to IR. Metallic
mirrors are coated with protected gold, silver, or aluminum.
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KTP Crystal Features• Large Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Coefficients• Wide Phase-matching Acceptance Angle• Broad Temperature and Spectral Bandwidth• High Electro-Optic (E-O) Coefficients
• Nonhygroscopic, Good Chemical and Mechanical Properties
• Relatively High Damage Threshold for E-O modulatorKTP Crystal Applications1. SHG of Nd:Laser - KTP is the most commonly used material for
frequency doubling of Nd:YAG and other Nd-doped lasers, particularly
when the power density is at a low or medium level.
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The most notable benefit of aspheric lenses is their ability to correct for spherical aberration,
an optical effect which causes incident light rays to focus at
different points when forming an image, creating a blur. Spherical
aberration is commonly seen in spherical lenses, such as plano-convex or
double-convex lens shapes, but aspheric lenses focus light to a small
point, creating comparatively no blur and improving image quality.
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Beta-Barium Borate (β-BBO) is an excellent nonlinear crystal with combination of a number of unique features: wide transparency region, broad phase-matching range, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold, and excellent optical homogeneity. Therefore, β-BBO provides an attractive solution for various nonlinear optical applications such as OPA, OPCPA, OPO etc.β-BBO also has advantages of large thermal acceptance bandwidth, high damage threshold and small absorption, thus is very suitable for frequency conversion of high peak or average power laser radiation, e.g.
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RTP (RbTiOPO4) is an isomorph of KTP crystal. RTP single crystals are grown in WISOPTIC by a slow-cooling flux method. RTP has many advantages e.g. large nonlinear optical coefficient, large E-O coefficient, high damage threshold (about 1.8 times of KTP), high resistivity, high repetition rate, no hygroscopy and no induced piezo-electric effect with electrical signals up to 60 kHz.
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Beta-Barium Borate (β-BBO) is an excellent nonlinear crystal with combination of a number of unique features: wide transparency region, broad phase-matching range, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold, and excellent optical homogeneity. Therefore, β-BBO provides an attractive solution for various nonlinear optical applications such as OPA, OPCPA, OPO etc. β-BBO also has advantages of large thermal acceptance bandwidth, high damage threshold and small absorption, thus is very suitable for frequency conversion of high peak or average power laser radiation, e.g.
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temperature phase BBO (alpha-BBO, a-BBO) is a negative uniaxial crystal
with a large birefringence over the broad transparent range from 189 nm
to 3500 nm. The physical, chemical, thermal, and optical properties of
alpha-BBO crystal are similar to those of the low temperature phase beta-BBO crystal.
However, there is no second order nonlinear effect in alpha-BBO crystal
due to the centrosymmetry in its crystal structure and thus it has no
use for second order nonlinear optical processes.
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LBO (LiB3O5) is a kind of non-linear optical crystal with good ultraviolet transmittance (210-2300 nm), high laser damage threshold and large effective frequency doubling coefficient (about 3 times of KDP crystal). So LBO is commonly used to produce high power second and third harmonic laser light, especially for ultraviolet lasers.LBO has large band gap and transparency region, high non-linear coupling, good chemical and mechanical properties.
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LBO (LiB3O5) is a kind of non-linear optical crystal with good ultraviolet transmittance (210-2300 nm), high laser damage threshold and large effective frequency doubling coefficient (about 3 times of KDP crystal). So LBO is commonly used to produce high power second and third harmonic laser light, especially for ultraviolet lasers.LBO has large band gap and transparency region, high non-linear coupling, good chemical and mechanical properties.
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WISOPTIC provides sorts of quadric Aspheric Lens and high order Aspheric Lens, as well as infrared Aspheric Lens (ZnS, ZnSe, Ge, etc. ).WISOPTIC Capabilities - Aspheric Lens Medium PrecisionHigh PrecisionAperture5~200 mm20~1000 mmSurface Quality [S/D]< 40/20 [S/D]< 40/20 [S/D]Surface IrregularityPV< 0.5~5 µm RMS< λ/50 @ 632.8 nmAspheric Surface Type Quadric, High order Quadric, High order Manufacture Capability300 pcs/month20 pcs/year
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Beta-BBO crystal is an important nonlinear optical crystal
with combination of unique optical properties, such as broad transmission and
phase matching ranges, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage
threshold and excellent optical homogeneity. The β-BBO crystal is an efficient material for the second, third and fourth
harmonic generation of Nd:YAG lasers, and the best NLO material for the
fifth harmonic generation at 213 nm.
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