Items Specifications Material CTH:YAG (Cr, Tm, Ho - doped YAG)Doping ExtentCr: 0.3~1.2 at%; Tm: 5~6 at%; Ho: 0.3~0.4 at% Crystalline Direction[111] (± 5°)DimensionsDia 3~6 (+0/-0.05) mm × 50~120 (±0.5) mm (customized)Extinction Ratio> 25 dBSingle Pass WFD < λ/8 @633 nm over central areaSurface Quality 10-5 [s-d] per MIL-O-13830BClear Aperture> 90% over central areaEnd-surface Parallelism< 20"Perpendicularity< 5'End-surface Flatness< λ/8 @633 nmChamfer0.2 ± 0.05 mm × 45°Laser CoatingAR/AR @ 209
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temperature phase BBO (alpha-BBO, a-BBO) is a negative uniaxial crystal
with a large birefringence over the broad transparent range from 189 nm
to 3500 nm. The physical, chemical, thermal, and optical properties of
alpha-BBO crystal are similar to those of the low temperature phase beta-BBO crystal.
However, there is no second order nonlinear effect in alpha-BBO crystal
due to the centrosymmetry in its crystal structure and thus it has no
use for second order nonlinear optical processes.
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Waveplates (retardation plates or phase shifters) are made from
optical materials with precise thickness such as quartz, calcite or mica, which exhibit birefringence. The velocities of the
extraordinary and ordinary rays through the birefringent materials vary
inversely with their refractive indices. The difference in velocities
gives rise to a phase difference when the two beams recombine.
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A corner cube (or cube corner), also known as a retroreflector, is an optical
component with the unique ability to return an incoming beam of light
directly towards its point of origin regardless of the beam's angle of
entry. This property makes this prism type ideal for a wide variety of
applications, such as laser resonator cavities, land surveying, ground
based range-finding, satellite communications and space vehicle docking.Wisoptic offer a wide variety of retroreflectors at competitive prices and lead times, and are able to accommodate the most demanding requirements.
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WISOPTIC offers both plate and cube PBS for a variety of wavelength ranges and power handling requirements.
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Cr:YAG or Cr4+:YAG (Chromium doped Ytterium Aluminum Garnet, Cr:Y3Al5O12) is an excellent and widely used electro-optic material for passive Q-switching diode pumped or lamp-pumped Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 and other Nd or Yb doped lasers at wavelength 800~1200 nm. With advantages of chemical stability, durable, UV resistant, good thermal conductivity and high damage threshold (>500 MW/cm2 ) and being easy to be operated, Cr:YAG is popularly used to substitute for many traditional materials such as LiF, organic dyes and color centers.
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BBO(Beta-Barium Borate, β-BaB2O4)based Pockels cells operate from approximately 0.2 - 1.65 µm and are not subject to tracking degradation. BBO exhibits low piezoelectric response, good thermal stability, and low absorption. Low
piezoelectric ringing makes this Pockels cell attractive for the control
of high-power and high-pulse repetition rate (hundreds of kilohertz, up to 1MHz) lasers.
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BBO(Beta-Barium Borate, β-BaB2O4)based Pockels cells operate from approximately 0.2 - 1.65 µm and are not subject to tracking degradation. BBO exhibits low piezoelectric response, good thermal stability, and low absorption. Due to the low piezoelectric coupling coefficients of BBO, BBO Pockels cells function at repetition rates of hundreds of kilohertz.
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The high
damage threshold makes BBO cells more attractive than others in the high
power systems. Like LiNbO3 Pockels cells, BBO Pockels cells work in
transverse mode, which makes the cells very compact, and the half-wave
voltage designable. BBO Pockels cells are also suitable for systems with
high repetition rates.WISOPTIC has been granted of several patents for its technology of BBO Pockels cells. WISOPTIC’s mass products of BBO Pockels cell are gaining worldwide customers’ interest and trust for its high cost performance.
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Pockels Cell Driver for Q-Switching of Flashlamp Pumped LasersThese drivers are designed for Q-switching of nanosecond flashlamp pumped lasers without use of phase retardation plates, for example to drive a DKDP Pockels cell in YAG lasers for aesthetic therapy. High voltage is applied to Pockels cell in order to inhibit oscillation.
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KTP (KTiOPO4) is one of the most commonly used nonlinear optical materials. For example, it’s regularly used for frequency doubling of Nd:YAG lasers and other Nd-doped lasers, particularly at low or medium-power density. KTP is also widely used as OPO, EOM, optical wave-guide material, and in directional couplers.KTP exhibits a high optical quality, broad transparency range, wide acceptance angle, small walk-off angle, and type I and II non-critical phase-matching (NCPM) in a wide wavelength range.
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Main SpecificationsDimensionsLength3 ~ 150 mm (± 0.5 mm)Diameter2 ~ 10 mm (+0.00, -0.05 mm)Tm Concentration0.5 ~ 8.0 atm%Orientation[111] (± 1°)Wavefront Distortionλ/4 per inch @ 633 nmBarrel FinishFine ground (400#)End Surface Parallelism ≤ 10”Perpendicularity≤ 5’End Surface Flatnessλ/10 @ 633 nmEnd Surface Quality10-5 [s-d] (MIL-PRF-13830B)Chamfer0.15 ± 0.05 mm @ 45°CoatingAR (R<0.25% @ 2013 nm)
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Beta-Barium Borate (β-BBO) is an excellent nonlinear crystal with combination of a number of unique features: wide transparency region, broad phase-matching range, large nonlinear coefficient, high damage threshold, and excellent optical homogeneity. Therefore, β-BBO provides an attractive solution for various nonlinear optical applications such as OPA, OPCPA, OPO etc.β-BBO also has advantages of large thermal acceptance bandwidth, high damage threshold and small absorption, thus is very suitable for frequency conversion of high peak or average power laser radiation, e.g.
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A Pockels cell driver is a high-voltage regulated power supply,
either pulse or continuous, allowing to control a birefringence of an
electro-optical crystal (KTP, KD*P, BBO, etc.) in order to drive the
polarization direction of the light propagating through the crystal.WISOPTIC has developed and produces a variety of Pockels cell drivers
for different applications: from very simple compact devices for
q-switching to precise and powerful fast models for pulse picking,
cavity damping, regenerative amplifier control, etc.
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Dye Laser Handpiece are devices that screw onto the end of the laser's arm and convert the energy that the laser produces into different, new wavelengths of light.The two most common dye handpiece wavelengths are 585 nm and 650 nm,
which attach to Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers. For these wavelengths to be
produced, the Nd:YAG's 1064 nm wavelength is frequency-doubled to
produce the 532 nm wavelength, which is then converted by the dye
handpieces to produce either 585 nm or 650 nm. WISOPTIC use in-house made dye laser cells to make dye laser handpieces.
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Nd:YVO4 is the most efficient laser crystal for diode-pumped solid-state lasers. The good physical, optical and mechanical properties make Nd:YVO4 an excellent material for high power, stable and cost-effective diode-pumped solid-state lasers.
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Cr: YAG is an excellent crystal for passive Q-switching diode pumped or lamp-pumped Nd:YAG, Nd:YLF, Nd:YVO4 and other Nd or Yb doped lasers at wavelength from 800 nm to 1200 nm. With advantages of chemical stability, durable, UV resistant, good thermal conductivity and high damage threshold (>500 MW/cm2 ) and being easy to be operated, Cr:YAG is used widely to substitute for many traditional materials such as LiF, organic Dye and color centers.
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Nd:YVO4 (Neodymium-doped Yttrium Vanadate) is one of the best commercially available material for diode-pumped solid-state lasers, especially for lasers with low or middle power density. For example, Nd:YVO4 is a better choice than Nd:YAG for generating low-power beams in hand-held pointers or other compact lasers. In these applications, Nd:YOV4 has some advantages over Nd:YAG, e.g.
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Basically all Pockels cell drivers are made based on
solid-state electronic technology, using high voltage transistors such
Multiple high voltage transistors may have to be stacked, taking care to
achieve an even distribution of voltage across those.
Instead of using some heavily isolated floating gate drive circuitry for
the different transistors, one may use certain advanced ideas such as
implementing so-called avalanche switch stacks involving avalanche
diodes and/or avalanche bipolar transistors.Device lifetimes can be very long, provided that properly engineered
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LiNbO3 crystal is a low cost photoelectric material with good mechanical
and physical properties as well as high optical homogeneity. It has
been widely used as frequency doublers for wavelength > 1mm and
optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) pumped at 1064nm as well as
quasi-phase-matched (QPM) devices. With preferable E-O coefficients,
LiNbO3 crystal has become the most commonly used material for Q-switches
and phase modulators, waveguide substrate, and surface acoustic wave
(SAW) wafers, etc.
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KTP Crystal Features• Large Nonlinear Optical (NLO) Coefficients• Wide Phase-matching Acceptance Angle• Broad Temperature and Spectral Bandwidth• High Electro-Optic (E-O) Coefficients
• Nonhygroscopic, Good Chemical and Mechanical Properties
• Relatively High Damage Threshold for E-O modulatorKTP Crystal Applications1. SHG of Nd:Laser - KTP is the most commonly used material for
frequency doubling of Nd:YAG and other Nd-doped lasers, particularly
when the power density is at a low or medium level.
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The EO Q-switch (Pockels cell) is an electro-optic device in which the crystal
produces linear changes in the birefringence of the crystal (in contrast
to the Kerr Effect, which is quadratic with E).
Pockels cells are essential components in various optical devices such
as Q-switches for lasers, free space electro-optical modulators, free
space switches. WISOPTIC use highly deuterated DKDP (KD*P) crystal (D%>99%) to make high quality Q-switches with high laser induced damage threshold.
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Wisoptic' standard and precision quality laser windows are fabricated from a variety of substrate
materials, e.g. UVFS
and N-BK7. They are available either with or without AR coatings, and with dia from 12.5 to 101.6 mm and thickness from 1 to 15 mm.
Also we offer uncoated rectangular windows with aperture from 15 x 20 to
50.8 x 50.8 mm and thickness from 2 to 10 mm.
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Polarizing Beamsplitters (PBS) splits incident unpolarized light into two perpendicular linearly polarized light. Among them, p-polarized light passes through completely, while s-polarized light is reflected at 45 deg which makes the emitting direction of s-light vertical to p-light. Additionally, beamsplitters can be used in reverse to combine two
different beams into a single one. Beamsplitters are often classified
according to their construction:cube or plate.Cube PBS are fabricated using two typically right angle prisms.
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